Το χρονικό διάστημα 29 Μαϊου – 5 Ιουνίου, η Ίος Περιπέτεια ΑΜΚΕ, με τη συνεργασία του Δήμου Ιητών, του Αθηναϊκού Ορειβατικού Συλλόγου και ντόπιων εθελοντών, θα προβεί σε εργασίες συντήρησης επί του πεζοπορικού δικτύου της Ίου.
During the period from May 29th to June the 5th, Ios Adventure NPO (Non Profit Organization), in collaboration with the Municipality of Ios, the Athenian Mountaineering Association and local volunteers, will carry out maintenance work on the hiking network of Ios.
Bravo 2022 Awards Ios Adventure Non Profit Organisation (NPO), with the brands Ios Adventure & Ios Paths, participates in the Bravo 2022 competition, which is the largest social dialogue on the issues of Sustainable Development that develops in our country, based on the initiatives implemented by Agencies – Business – Local Local Government and Civil…
A few words about Ios Adventure NPO The Ios Adventure AMKE (Civil Non-Profit Company) was established in November 2017 with the purpose, as explicitly stated in its statutes, to promote sports, tourism, tourism, religious, agrotourism and all kinds of tourism on the island of Ios. Ios Adventure AMKE consists of two separate brand names, Ios…
George’s and Flora’s Perivoli (garden), Flora’s and George’s Perivoli (garden) George is not a professional farmer, but he loves working on the land. Flora loves nature and rejoices every moment she spends there. Although both are born in Athens, their ancestors come from Ios and so they decided to settle down permanently on the island.…
When George met Flora (the story behind Iospaths). George loved his grandparents: he started visiting the island when he was young, sleeping on the sofa of the small house on the hill of Chora and waking up το the aroma of the fresh buns of his grandmother and the fresh milk that his grandfather brought.…
Ios Adventure Virtual Races So you made it to Ios, and you can’t miss your daily exercise? Why don’t you combine your training with the elegant Ios Adventure Multi Sport Event athlete package? Register now, run 14km or 6km, upload your training and recieve the original athlete package that includes medal, tecnical t-shirt and cotton…
The remote house at Valmas beach Those who have walked route A: Chora, Valmas beach, Agia Irini, Gialos, have noticed a small house at the edge of the beach, which almost touches the sea. It is certain that many have wondered how it was constructed, as there does not appear to be a connection to…